Editor’s Note:
All candidates for Council and School Board were sent questionnaires asking them to explain their views and describe themselves. All but two submitted their views and head-and-shoulders photos of themselves. More specific questions and pointed answers will doubtless be forthcoming during the October 26 and November 2 all-candidates meetings for School Board and City Council respectively. In the meantime, we hope these statements will tell you something about the men and women seeking your votes on November 19.

Steve Bender
Your name: Steve (Stephen John) Bender
Your age: 64 and busier than ever in retirement
Your occupation: retired broadcaster, retired museum manager, presently city councilor, part-time retail (hardware) service rep
Do you have a vision of our community and its development that will help guide your actions should you be successful? If so, please share it with us.
With our new international destination ski resort we are a town in economic and social transition that must include fair business, job and lifestyle opportunities for all. My personal vision for our city is to grow at a manageable rate while promoting and striving for as much diversity and variety in the job market, business sector, arts and culture community and recreational fields, as possible.
What do you believe are the five most important issues facing Revelstoke?
Not necessarily in order:
1. Promotion and expansion of business opportunities. Without business opportunities there will be fewer jobs and with fewer jobs there is no reason for anyone to come or live here. It’s that simple. We need to retain and gain a few numbers (tax payers) to keep the amazing lifestyle we enjoy in this low crime rate, high quality lifestyle, incredibly scenic, alpine community.
2. Heritage preservation gives a city soul and, soul, feeling, feels like a good place to be, is what I believe we want to retain and that is a marketable commodity. You tell us. There is a Public Hearing Tue. Nov. 8th 3 pm in Council Chambers to hear input on the proposed new Heritage Building Maintenance bylaw.
3. More youth in local politics, although, after one term on council I can clearly see why those in the home building, child rearing, career developing age don’t see it as a priority or can find the time.
4. Fiscal responsibility – are we getting the best bang for the tax buck?
5. Affordable housing – we are losing good people with good skills, police officers, nurses, teachers, etc. to the high cost of housing.
How can you help resolve them?
1. I’m not sure any one person can resolve an issue themselves but in the case of supporting business, continuing to reduce the commercial tax rate, a bit at a time, might help.
2. Heritage is an ideal…at what cost ideals? As mentioned above, you tell us, please.
3. Start at the High School level. I am told RSS has one of the biggest student councils ever, this year. Is it time for a student shadow city council? I think we could make that opportunity available but it must be by the student’s initiative.
4. That’s a BIG one and very complicated but I think our new Chief Administrative Officer and department managers are taking a fresh look at it and offering some creative initiatives in this unstable economy.
5. Lookin’ for input on this one. We’ve tried and built affordable community housing but the rent doesn’t fit most people’s definition of affordable.
What personal qualities do you possess that will serve you in good stead as an elected leader of our community?
Listening to all sides, analytical (sometimes to a fault) background in management, media and sales, patience (a tough learning curve) sense of humour (although sometimes it gets me in trouble).

Chris Johnston
My name: Christopher Harold Johnston
My age: Old enough to know better, young enough to do it again. This applies to council and to other aspects of my life. (Real answer: mid-fifties).
My occupation: Lawyer, Mediator, Business Owner.
Vision for community:
Old and new working together to make what is already a great community a better one. This involves respect for what we have and have had and anticipating and welcoming what is coming and those who are “new”. A lively, vigorous, strong heart of the community where people want to live, play and visit.
Five issues facing Revelstoke, in no particular order:
- A division between “old” and “new” and how to bridge that gap.
Taxation. (this is driven by infrastructure needs/deficit and efficiency of City government operations.)
Efficient, economical transportation, public and private
The success of the resort without forgetting what has historically made our community.
Parks, recreation and culture environment that enhances the health, well-being and the breadth and depth of the community.
How can I help resolve these issues:
- I think that I have strong connections with both the old and the new through my family, through my clients, through social connections. I’ve learned what the needs and fears are of both and can help council to deliver and encourage development and programs and understanding that will build the bridges. This would include work on the Parks, Recreation and Culture component of our community and the downtown/heart of the community.
- Taxation is a fact of life. If we want services we have to pay for them. However, we can and must ensure that they are delivered as efficiently as possible; the best bang for the buck. I have had my law practice in Revelstoke for over 25 years (a law practice is a business like any other) and am a partner in a retail business that has been in business for three years (Castle Joe Books). I am also a homeowner, rental property owner and tenant and understand where the money comes from and where the money goes. Some days I feel that the City lives paycheck to paycheck, and that is why there are continual tax increases. I am concerned that we are not saving for the new roof or new bathroom like we should be. My own experience through good times and not so good times can help me in guiding the City through council.
- Some people continue to look to viable alternatives to the private automobile as their regular mode of transportation. Revelstoke is to be congratulated for having a very high use of bicycles and foot mobile, but we can do better by enhancing safe and desirable places and routes for people to walk and bicycle. This is already underway. The Transportation masterplan provides not only for the future but for the present in terms of enhancing mobility at intersections and on the streets without large costs (simple things like bike lanes). Public transit continues to be a challenge. Usage is low and cost is high, even though it is BC Transit that for the most part pays the bill. I have traveled in many parts of the country and the world and each time I go somewhere I use public transit and it works. I would like to see what I can do to get what works in those communities, small and large, and transplant the ideas to Revelstoke. Check out the Écolobus in Quebec City, it’s cheap and fun to ride!
- Today the resort is a reality but it faces challenges like the rest of us. I think it is important that the City and the resort have effective and cooperative communication to ensure the progress of the resort without sacrifice to the rest of the community. Working collaboratively and non-confrontationally can serve both. The success of the resort does not involve give-aways or compromises from the City. Sometimes a little recognition or thanks can do as much as a grant or a subsidy. The $10 plaque that I received from the Heritage Commission when I restored my old house went a long way to making the whole thing worthwhile. I feel that I have that balanced and cooperative attitude and can assist council in providing staff with the direction needed to achieve that.
- I think we have made a start with the Parks, Recreation and Culture masterplan. I think the best that I can do is to work towards the implementation of some of the elements in the plan and continue to provide ideas of what else we can do. The recent suggestion of “parklets” in the downtown and the planning for extension of the river trail (even though it may be some time in the future) are positive steps forward. My connection with at least part of the arts and culture community can also bring their needs and concerns to the council table to be addressed.
My personal qualities:
I am a lawyer, trained mediator, business person and have several years of experience on council. I try to listen more than I talk. I think that my background and experience give me the ability to consider a question, identify the real issue, and provide a possible solution or solutions. I highly value family and community and have actively participated in the community since I arrived here in 1986.

Gary Starling
Your name: Gary Starling
Your age: 53
Your occupation: Engineer for CP Rail
Q: Do you have a vision of our community and its development that will help guide your actions should you be successful? If so, please share it with us.
I came to Revelstoke on a holiday in 1980. It was to be a one night stay but it turned out to be more than 30 years. That being said, I think I have a passion for Revelstoke that is shared by many people in our community. I believe Revelstoke is a terrific place to live, work and play. Revelstoke offers unique outdoor opportunities that should not be taken for granted. It has been, and continues to be a great place to live and raise a family away from the hustle and bustle of a big center. The recent development of the ski hill enhances this. There is simply no place like it in the province or elsewhere.
My vision for Revelstoke is simply to make sure it remains an attractive and affordable place to live and work.
Q: What do you believe are the five most important issues facing Revelstoke?
Revelstoke is facing some challenges looking to the future. Revelstoke has seen many changes in the past. The decline of population that occurred when the dam was constructed was a challenge for our local government to deal with in the 80’s. The almost total collapse of the logging industry in the recent past continues to be a challenge. Revelstoke has survived this and more.
Recently there is great concern over the amount of debt that is being accumulated by the present government. There seems to be no end to it. This has driven our taxes up considerably and the trend continues. Business owners have seen an unprecedented raise in taxes that has taken a huge bite out of their bottom line. As well, many people who have come to Revelstoke planning to make it their home; are now finding that the cost of living is cause for concern. Will they stay or will they seek a community with more favorable cost of living?
We have many long term residents in Revelstoke, some of these people are retired and on fixed incomes. The tax burden and cost of living is putting huge pressure on the life style they have enjoyed in Revelstoke.
Many of us have shared the vision that the ski hill expansion would be a “build it and they will come” situation. This has not happened. The ski hill has, I believe, enjoyed some success relative to what has happened to the economy in recent years. This has not, however, been the great boom for our city that many people had envisioned. Our local officials have done an admirable job of planning for the future growth of Revelstoke. This growth has not happened.
The cavaller attitude with regards to spending is alarming. A community of our size simply cannot support this. What will happen if the interest rates on this borrowed money increases?
I understand that this is not a direct answer to the question. So the answer to the question would be as follows.
- Residential taxes rising
- Business taxes rising
- Increased property crime/theft and vandalism
- Infrastructure maintenance and improvements
- Maintaining services
Q: How can you help resolve them?
The resolve for all these issues, as always is not simple. I don’t pretend to have the answers to all problems. I believe it is a process that involves hard work and due diligence not only from local government but also from all “shareholders”. That would include the general public in Revelstoke. I believe if we can curb our spending, and move towards a budget that does not include more borrowing; the tax burden for residents as well as business will level.
I believe we need to give capital expenditures more consideration. Simply put, we cannot always afford all that we want. We may have to put some of these expenditures on hold or look at alternatives that suit our needs. We need to live within our means. We need to maintain the infrastructure that we already have and only move ahead with future expenses when necessary and affordable.
We need to work with the local Police detachment to find ways to support them in reducing crime and enhance ongoing programs like Neighborhood Watch.
We need to find creative ways to help fund the services we already enjoy. The pool, hockey rink, bus service and others are costly expenses for our city. We of course cannot afford to lose these important pieces of our community. We need to find ways to make them more cost effective.
Q: What personal qualities do you possess that will serve you in good stead as an elected leader of our community?
The most important quality I bring to the table is a passion for Revelstoke. I have on several occasions considered moving elsewhere for business and personal reasons. Always, I have made the decision to stay in Revelstoke. It is a fantastic place to be.
I have acted as secretary treasurer for the TCRC 657 locally for that last three years. I have enjoyed success in bringing our books up to a modern standard as well as putting our budget in order. I have a reasonable understanding of financials. I have also acted as the Legislative Representative for TCRC 657 for many years. In order to be effective in this position one needs to possess good communication skills. As well I have learned how to work through Government process. This includes dealing with Transport Canada as well as WCB.
At one time I ran a small business in Revelstoke. With that I had to learn how to be fiscally responsible and learn the art of saving.
I am also an effective organizer. I have for the last few years organized several events for the TCRC 657 including the Christmas party that draws well over one hundred people for the day.
Finally I bring the ability to communicate. This includes listening to other people’s concerns and issues as well as getting mine heard and understood.

Jim Ritchie
Name: Jim Ritchie
Age: 62
Occupation: Welder, Fabricator — Hard Hammer Construction — Businessman, Columbia Chevron for 25 years
1. Have seen our community change in many ways over the past 30 years, some positive and some not so – – I feel ownership in our community and want our future development to be beneficial for our residents and an attraction for future business development.
2. Important issue facing Revelstoke in my opinion are:
Debt Control
Development –economically and socially
3.. It is easy to state the issues but understand that resolution is more difficult and will take strong leadership, teamwork and sometimes not so popular implementations to come to reasonable solutions to the problems
4. I believe that my experience as in business, construction and development, board member and chairman, as well as my strong work ethic, deep convictions, and concern for my community will help me to serve the people of Revelstoke well, should I be elected.

Jody Simm
Hello Revelstoke, my name is Jody Simm and I’m 34 years old. I’m proud to announce my candidacy for City Council in the municipal election to take place on November 19. I originally come from Sydney, Nova Scotia, and have lived in British Columbia for the last 13 years, and in Revelstoke for the last 6. . I moved to Revelstoke to be around the good people that I know who lived here, the surrounding mountains and recreational opportunities and the laid back working class nature of the town. I’ve worked for a local silviculture company for the past 6 years, and I’ve been working in the forest industry since 2002. I’ve lived in many great communities in Canada, from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast, and Revelstoke is far and away the best place I’ve ever lived. I’m asking you help me be a part of keeping it the great place that it is.
A lot has changed here since my arrival, and it seems like we are in for a lot more change in the times to come. As we develop and grow, now officially as a resort community, I’d like to see Revelstoke retain it’s industrial nature. As much as possible given the new realities, I’d like to keep the city affordable, and a place that is welcoming to people from all walks of life and from all income levels. Most of all, I’d like to see the city develop with initiatives that are as low cost and as high impact as possible.
There are many issues facing the city in the days to come, and the two that seems to be highest on the majority of peoples’ agendas are taxes and the debt. People feel that we are spending too much money and it is driving taxes and our municipal debt up. For the next three years, I’d like to work towards spending a lot less money. One low cost high impact idea might be to convert some of our municipal flower beds to community gardens. This could provide us with a social and cultural ammenity in the form of community gardens, free up some city staff for other roles, give Revelstoke an opportunity to show off our gardeners, and create varied flower beds that really stand out from those of other cities.
One area where we need to invest in the next three years is infrastructure. We need to rethink how our settlement pond works, and find a real concrete solution to odour problems. I don’t have all the answers for that one, and for that I’d consult heavily with engineers on the city staff. We also need to invest in sidewalk repair to make it easier for people with mobility issues to get around. One specific low cost initiative that I can see improving our infrastructure would be a shroud over the street lights on Victoria Rd. at the Railway Museum. They should be left in place in case they become necessary in the future, but I don’t think that that’s the case now.
Gentrification is an issue that I feel is important to address. As development rolls along, costs increase and this increases taxes. Increased property taxes make it less affordable for people to live here, and it is the poorest people who will be forced to sell their places and move first. There are many great things the city can do and invest in, but we have to consider the human costs of our spending. I am very strongly opposed to the new Heritage Maintenance Bylaw as it stands, and I’m sure we can find a more positive way to achieve the same ends. In the same vein, I think that enforcement of the unsightly premises bylaw should be reactive rather than proactive, with a mechanism for the people who make the complaints and the subjects of the complaints to come together to try to resolve the issue through constructive dialogue as a first step.
As a councillor, I would push very hard for french immersion in our schools. It is first and foremost an issue for the school board trustees, but I think that a motion of support for french immersion from the city council would go a long way toward finally making french immersion a reality. I really want my daughter to grow up bilingual, and I haven’t spoken to a single person yet who is opposed to french immersion.
I think that on financial issues my personal frugality will serve me well. I love to shop at the local thrift stores, and I loathe to spend money that I don’t have to. I feel I have an ability to get along with people, including those with whom I may have differing views. I feel strongly about the issues that we’re facing and at the same time I’m committed to being flexible, open, approachable and consultative about the solutions. I’ve heard in the print media, on the stoke list, and from many people that change is needed on city council, and I offer myself to you as a part of that change.

Karen Schneider
Your name: Karen Schneider
Your age: 41
Your occupation: Registered Massage Therapist
Do you have a vision of our community and its development that will help guide your actions should you be successful? If so, please share it with us.
I see Revelstoke as a dynamic community that has a unique balance of values and opportunities that make it an incredible place to live. I think we are at a place in time where is it necessary, and also exciting, to decisively guide any future development of the town, and I would like to see Revelstoke avoid the pitfalls that face many resort towns, and hold on to its character while supporting a diverse and vital community as it grows.
What do you believe are the five most important issues facing Revelstoke?
I believe affordable housing is the number one issue in Revelstoke, as it affects any number of other issues. Affordable housing can be broken down into two categories: Subsidized housing for people in need of assistance, and housing options that are accessible and realistic for the average individual and family in Revelstoke; both are needed. I believe there are options that have not been explored and underlying issues that need to be scrutinized to realistically address this problem.
Economic development is an umbrella that covers many of my concerns. As a small town we face many challenges, especially in a resource and tourism-based economy that fluctuates with world markets. I would like to see Revelstoke find solutions to these challenges that encourage long-term employment stability and living wages. In line with this, I would like to see an expansion of our post-secondary education and employment skills training programs in town. I also feel that we need to make some changes to encourage entrepreneurship as the current climate for small businesses is quite challenging.
Alongside the issue of economic development is the overall development strategy for the town. We need to continue to question and revise the community development plans as we learn from our mistakes and realize new potential for economic and social development. We need to ensure that dollar signs don’t blind us to making decisions that ultimately have a negative impact on the quality of life in Revelstoke. At the same time, change is inevitable, and we have the opportunity to guide that change and ensure it fits the long-term vision that residents have for the town, and make it a positive thing.
Infrastructure is an issue for Revelstoke: highway safety and maintenance, access routes to the hospital, increased traffic due to ski hill traffic, and the expansion of sidewalks to provide greater safety and accessibility for non-vehicular traffic in and around town. In this regard, allocation of city funds needs to be looked at and prioritized.
I’m very inspired by the last few years of activity regarding environmental issues in Revelstoke, and would like to see this maintained as a priority. Curbside recycling, cessation of use of chemical pesticides and herbicides by the city, bicycle commuting routes, and initiatives to protect our watersheds are examples of the great work being done to bring Revelstoke up to speed in the environmental sphere. I would like to ensure that the City maintains and expands its role in such initiatives.
How can you help resolve them?
I see my greatest value as being someone who has access and will listen to people from a wide demographic , and then put myself to work researching options and thinking outside the box to find solutions to the challenges we face. Through my work I meet a large cross section of the community, and I think this puts me in a good position to bring people together and to coalesce the diverse perspectives of the population.
What personal qualities do you possess that will serve you in good stead as an elected leader of our community?
I think my strongest skills are in connecting with and listening to people, and I bring a lot of passion and energy to whatever I do. If I commit to serving as a counselor for the City of Revelstoke, I will be committing with the best I can offer. I’m also not afraid to voice my opinion when I feel it needs to be heard– on city council, I would be using that voice to express the concerns that the community brings to me. I’m aware that this position would be a huge learning curve for me, and I embrace that for the opportunity to grow and challenge myself, as well as give something back to a community that has given so much to me.

Linda Jean Nixon
Linda Jean Nixon BScN
60 years of Age
Registered Nurse
Director of Glacier Communications (1983) Ltd.
My vision of Revelstoke is consistant with the one signed by City of Revelstoke Council in 1994. I see Revelstoke as a community where people feel safe in their homes and neighbourhoods, where they have access to all that Revelstoke offers as a vibrant mountain town, a place where people work live and play.
The greatest asset that Revelstoke has besides its breathtaking beauty is its people. These people built this city into what it is today and continue to make it a diverse, vibrant, globally known place to travel to and enjoy.
Priorities for the next decade are :
1. safety for neighbourhoods so they remain vibrant and healthy
2. affordable living to allow people to age in place and to allow young people to come to work and play
3. inclusiveness for new small business
4. listening to concerns of the business community, as well as the home owners
5. moving forward with the Community Development Plan
What I can do to resolve these issues:
1. work with the local RCMP to provide neighbourhood education sessions about staying safe in our homes and neighbourhoods, lobby for one more officer
2. work with the developer to provide housing for workers as the resort grows
3. look at a mentoring program for new small businesses – i.e. are we doing this well ?
4. take concerns of the business community, as well as local home owners, to council
5. work with council to move the plan for community development forward in a pragmatic, fiscally responsible manner.
My personal qualities that will stand me in good stead as I work for the community are:
1. my critical thinking skills that I have used for many years as a professional by asking questions and listening to the message, not judging the messenger.
2. common sense and integrity
3. growing up in a family that has a third generation small business
4. being a director of a small business that has weathered many challenges since it’s incorporation in 1983.
Empathy and compassion for people has pushed me to acquire extensive management courses and policy/program planning experience to better understand the complexities of the health care system and to be able to influence outcomes.
I have been an Administrator, a clinician of an Gerontology Assessment program, an educator, a Team Leader and a staff nurse. I am currently semi retired and want to give back to the beautiful community our family has lived in for twenty eight years.

Murray Velichko
My Name: Murray Velichko
My Age: 40 yrs
My Occupation: Professional Engineer, Owner of Frisby Ridge Construction Corp.
My family (Hollie, Griffin (8), and Andie (5)) and I moved to Revelstoke nearly five years ago. Having grown up in a small community myself, I believe that Revelstoke is a great place for our family to instil roots and grow. Revelstoke is rich with heritage, community, and opportunity. We moved here because of that. I believe that it is the role of city council to enhance these opportunities to further help develop our community. As geographically isolated as Revelstoke is, we are still part of a larger economy and society. If future prosperity is to exist we need to remove roadblocks for more people, including existing residents, to invest in Revelstoke and help further develop and enhance the economic and social vibrancy that could be Revelstoke.
As Revelstoke is part of the world community, we are not immune to the pitfalls of the current global economic downturn. There is less foreign investment, less tourism dollars, less demand for locally manufactured products, etc., and therefore less disposable income for the residents of Revelstoke. As such, it is the responsibility of the city council to ensure that our municipal budget is justified for every dollar spent.
Long term vision is vital for a community. The citizens of Revelstoke have made great strides over the past number of years to bring clarity to this vision in the Official Community Plan and varying sub plans. The implementation of these plans will fall to the actions of the leaders of the community. I have participated in many of the forums and meetings in the development of these plans and have the leadership skills to help implement those plans that are beneficial to the community.
As a business owner in the construction industry, I am aware of the social implications of the rapid increase in property values in Revelstoke. I was fortunate to work as the contractor of choice to build Revelstoke’s first ‘affordable housing’ project. I believe that this will continue to be an issue as Revelstoke grows. We will require positive solutions to both social and affordable housing.
There are many ‘issues’ that Revelstoke will need to face in the coming years. Immediately perhaps, none more important than having a true demographic representation of ALL of the citizens of Revelstoke sit at City Council. Being a professional engineer, my career has exposed me to many different industries, projects, situations, and communities. I believe that my professionalism, code of conduct, ethics, fiscal responsibility, and common sense approach, will serve well in helping guide the City through the required decisions.

Jason Roe

Pat Wells
My name is Pat Wells,
I am 58 years old
I am currently occupied as an Adventurer/Seannachie
My vision is that of an economically leaner Revelstoke, of a city that has its’ financial house in order, a city that can control its spending and use its available revenues in a more utilitarian and practical fashion. I also believe we have a ways to go before we are able to say that we are a green city. We need to get more proactive about using our green spaces in a user friendly manner be it by turning them into larger versions of community gardens or allowing more public use for gardening on city lands.
The issues I see facing us are manifold, a few are;
Getting spending under control
Affordable Housing
Snow Removal
Reduce /Simplify Administration for residents
With a bit of a team oriented vision, and with passion, I believe I can help to motivate people to grow the city into a better place to live.

Phil Welock
Your name: Phil Welock
Your age: 63
Your occupation: Retired Business owner/Government Agent
Do you have a vision of our community and its development that will help guide your actions should you be successful? If so, please share it with us.
My vision for the Community is that we keep the key elements in place and support them thru City Council and Administration. They are in no order of importance, Forestry and Mining,CP Rail, Hydro Dams and infrastructure,Resort Development and Tourism, Service Industry and Business, Government and the major link and lifeline, the Trans Canada Highway. Council is the “voice” for our residents. Because we have such a small population that is not within the City Limits we can be be their voice also; in concert with Regional District Reps, of course.
What do you believe are the five most important issues facing Revelstoke?
Aging Infrastructure, Police and Fire Services maintenance, Business support and development, maintaining the Social Service Sector, Resort Development and financing “our role” in all the above. These have large Tax implications.
How can you help resolve them?
Working with City Staff and various Committees, learn what the issues are. Develop plans and implement them as and when required. Develop strong Financial practices and budgeting processes which use every source of funding provided by Senior Government. We must ensure that money is spend wisely and that Taxpayers are getting value for their dollars. We will have to develop a report on our core services and react to that report. This may not be popular with everyone but in tough times it Must Happen! Council must insist on this review happening and wisely implement its recommendations quickly. Our City Administrator will work with Senior staff and employees to develop the report.
We should continue with the Community groups as established by the Planning Department giving them support and listening to their concerns. They are the voice of the various areas of the City! We must also respect Department Managers and work with them to keep this City functioning in the way that we all expect. Those expectations are expensive and I rate them as “high”.
What personal qualities do you possess that will serve you in good stead as an elected leader of our community?
I believe that my 24 years in the Community have given me a great perspective on what makes us tick. I have been involved with various Community groups and served for 3 terms as Chamber Director. My 3 years a Councillor and my participation in Bear Aware, Waste Management, Community Forest and Energy, Public Works and Engineering, Police and Fire and the Housing Society have been a great experience’. I AM involved in the portfolios that the Mayor has given to me and take pride in being observant and knowing what’s happening.
As I am underemployed (according to my wife) I will devote my full time to my Council duties as I have in the past 3 years (which have gone very quickly) I estimate that I have attended over 500 meetings since being elected to Council.
I am very fortunate to be able to serve and proud to say my family and I “grew” here in this beautiful City.

Tony Scarcella
Name: Tony Scarcella
Occupation: Semi retired business person. I have spent 37 years in the restaurant business in the downtown area and until recently, have spent the last few years as part owner of Revelstoke Bottle Depot.
My vision for our community:
Revelstoke is a great place to live that I am glad to be a part of this community. I believe that we have a lot of great opportunities and with strong leadership, it can be achieved. It takes dedication, knowledge and most importantly people working together to make goals a reality. With both creation of new jobs and maintaining present industries, our community will continue to grow and prosper.
5 important issues facing Revelstoke:
- Family and Seniors first
- Improve Infrastructure
- Fiscal Management
4) Tax reduction at a personal and business level
5) Maintaining a safe and healthy community
How I can help resolve them:
With the economy showing some instability, times are tough for all that are making mortgage payments and living day to day. Majority of families and seniors have fixed incomes and affordability is key. City Council has to find a way to keep the cost of living down and making every dollar count for the citizens of Revelstoke. An example is the 16 unit addition to Mt. Begbie Manor and 8 units to Moberley Manor. Funds for these 2 projects came from the federal and provincial governments. This allows our seniors and people with disabilities the opportunity to remain in this community because of affordable housing.
Affordable family housing needs to be addressed. The city needs to continue to work towards having an option for families with lower incomes.
An item of infrastructure outstanding includes the extension of our sewer system to the Arrow Heights area. Future planning and provincial and federal government grants can be explored in order to make this future project affordable. Clearview Heights sewer addition was funded by 2/3 provincial and federal government. This type of funding is an example of how it saved the tax payers of Clearview Heights money.
Controlled spending is a must as there should be no compromising our essential services. If taxes need to be adjusted, it should be in line with the cost of living.
Long term City debt needs to be addressed. I feel a way to achieve this is more communication and working together with all departments, workers, union and senior staff to find more ways to operate more efficiently.
One of my goals would be to reduce taxes. With government grants, a healthy business community, and a larger tax base to draw from, this can be achieved. By attracting more business and industry, more jobs will be created. In a very competitive market, the city needs to make concessions. One way to do this is to bring the tax rate into line with Provincial averages.
Our community relies on having safe areas of travels for people of all. It is important to have safe areas for young children to walk when attending schools, and seniors making their way out of their homes. With regards to recreation, the future pedestrian bridge over the Illecillewaet river will allow the city trails to be expanded. This not only has a positive impact for residents but also for tourists. The money for this project has been raised through grants and not paid with tax dollars. This project will also employ local people. With public input and grants, other projects can be put into place to benefit the community.
My personal qualities:
I am currently a City Councillor and have served 4 terms. During these years, I have chaired public works, finance and recreation. I have had a great opportunity to work with many people in different areas and it has allowed me to see some of the inner workings of various departments.
I enjoy living in and being part of this community. My wife and I have children and grandchildren that also live here in Revelstoke. It is important for future generations to have stability and have an affordable place to live. If elected I will continue to listen to the citizens and be a strong voice. I believe in working together to achieve what is best for our city. Through strong leadership, my past experiences, and my strong beliefs in a solid community, I feel that I have what takes to serve another 3 years.
Council candidate Rick Hodgson was also invited to submit his views for publication but did not respond.
School District 19 candidates

Jeff Nicholson
Why are you running for the School Board?
I believe passionately that public school education is an essential foundation of a democratic society. It can do much to promote understanding and acceptance of diversity among peoples, reduce antisocial behaviours and give all children an equal opportunity for success in life. The District has initiated several programs in the past ten years that have resulted in great progress towards these goals. I would like to continue as a school trustee to support further improvements in the education of our children.
What special insight or qualifications that voters should be aware of?
I worked as a biology and science teacher at RSS until retirement in 1999 and have been a school trustee since then. This experience has given me a broad understanding and appreciation of the system and of all those who work in it. I also appreciate that a strong start for preschool children is vital and have applauded our community’s efforts in this regard. As a parent and grandparent and as an advocate for public K-12 education, I am aware that parents and the younger generation face a variety of issues in our society of today.
I have been chair of the policy committee, where we have continually initiated and revised school district policies in a collaborative way with parents and staff. Along with other trustee responsibilities I represented the Revelstoke School Board at the BC School Trustee Provincial Council and the Okanagan College Advisory Committee for several years.
My personal interests include: local history, (I serve on the Revelstoke Museum and Archives Board), reading
widely and attending as many guest speakers and cultural offerings as I can here in Revelstoke. Band and drama
presentations by our students are also of special interest to me.
Are there any issues you think are of particular interest to students and their parents?
We need to:
maintain the position of our district in the forefront of early childhood education, literacy and graduation rates.
maintain positive relations with staff groups and parents.
complete the schools’ construction projects and deal with the many details of occupancy, including
agreements with community partners.
dispose of surplus school properties with opportunity for community input. Provincial guidelines are needed.
seek access by our high school students to some post-secondary courses through our local Okanagan College
How can electing me to SD 19 Board of Trustees affect the quality of education offered in our community?
After the new elementary school is operating in the fall of 2012, I would like to explore a way to improve the learning of French. Currently, all students must take French in grades 5, 6, 7, and 8, as one of several subjects. There is however, a relatively new program in BC (common in eastern Canada) called “Intensive French.” It involves a half year “mini-immersion” in grade 5 or 6 using an oral approach. This results in an ability to communicate spontaneously at a basic level, thus overcoming a major hurdle when learning a new language.
Better motivation in regular classes is often a result. This program has been implemented in Invermere with reports of good results.
I recognize that our schools need certain appropriate resources and appropriate support in order to create successful students. I would continue to advocate for these, mainly through the provincial BC School Trustees Association.
I appreciate this opportunity to relay some of my thoughts regarding our public education system and would welcome any questions.

Alan Chell
My name is Alan Chell and I am 56 years old
1. I have a deep commitment to public education. The BC public education system is regarded by many as one of the finest in the world and I have the time, energy, experience and knowledge to continue to serve on the Revelstoke Board of Education.
2. I have served on the Board of Education for the past 27 years, the majority of these as Chair. Now that I am retired, I spend the majority of my time either supporting community activities or education at the local and provincial level. For the community, I am actively involved with the Glacier Challenge softball tournament, the Little Bear and Big Bear soccer tournaments, youth soccer, the Revelstoke Credit Union Board of Directors, the Early Childhood Development Committee, Revelstoke homecomings, Carousel of Nations celebrations and am thrilled to be producing the Sound of Music to open our new School District theatre. Regionally, I am the Chair of the Okanagan Labour Relations Council. Provincially, I am the Vice Chair of the BC Public School Employers Association; a life member of the BC School Trustees Association and a director on the BC Public Education Benefits Trust. Currently, I also represent the school trustees of British Columbia at the provincial bargaining table for negotiations with the BC Teachers Federation. Education is my passion!
3. Our district is regarded as one of the leading school districts in BC. We were the first district selected to pilot and implement the StrongStart Early Learning Center. This was due in part to our success as measured by the Early Development Instrument, which for 3 assessments in a row, has identified Revelstoke as the leading district in the province in terms of having the lowest vulnerability levels for children entering kindergarten. A lot of credit for this goes to the quality of early childhood development and literacy programs in our community as well as to the families who access these programs. The Board needs to work closely with the Early Childhood Development Committee and the Literacy Action Committee to maintain this success. We also have one of the highest graduation rates in the province and need to retain the focus on curriculum support at the Secondary School. One challenge is to make budget decisions that enable us to provide money for the classroom so that we can continue to offer a full range of secondary school courses that are often challenging to provide in small secondary schools.
4. The next 3 year term will be a most exciting and challenging term for the Board of Education. We are currently moving into the new secondary school and will move into the new elementary school in September 2012. We have worked hard with the Ministry of Education to complement these 2 new schools with our Neigbourhood Learning Centre project which will include a theatre, gymnastics centre and early learning hub. We are expecting to open our 275 seat theatre in March 2012 and are proud to have worked with the Ministry of Education to make this $3 million state of the art facility a reality for Revelstoke. I feel proud of the work that went into securing approval for this project that has totalled $53 million dollars in provincial investment for our future and we need to develop strong operating agreements to maximize community benefit from these facilities. We will then need to turn our focus to working with the Provincial Government, the City of Revelstoke and the community to address the issue of how best to use surplus school facilities in a manner that retains them as community assets. I have a very good working relationship with staff in the Ministry of Education and believe that I can provide leadership to work our way through these issues.
Over the past 27 years, I feel I have demonstrated my commitment to public education and would respectfully ask for the support of the community to enable me to continue to serve on the Board of Education.

Doug Hamilton
Doug Hamilton
69 years
Why are you running for a seat on the SD 19 Board of Trustees?
I have been on the board of trustees for 13 years. I would like to see the completion of the new elementary and high schools and to be part of the process to ensure that appropriate funding is in place for their completion. I would like to invest my energy in seeing that students attain the highest degree of education.
Do you have any special insight or qualifications that voters should be aware of?
As stated, I have served on the SD 19 Board of Trustees for 13 years. I serve on the Aboriginal Education committee, which is involved in setting curricula for first nations children. I have also been involved in hiring our superindendant and secretary treasurer for the Columbia Park Elementary, Arrow Heights Elementary, Mount Begbie Elementary, and Mountain View Elementary Schools. All were excellent choices, in my opinion.
Are there any issues you think are of particular interest to students and their parents?
Interest in a French immersion program has been put to the board during my last period of service and is likely to be revisited in the next tenure. Setbacks in the past have been due to a lack of sufficient student numbers. This may change in the near future.
Another potential issue of interest is whether or not the dress code should be updated to reflect current styles.
How can electing YOU to the SD 19 Board of Trustees affect the quality of education offered in our community?
Through my hard work and participation in school events such as sports days, Christmas concerts, hamburger and hotdog cook offs, I have been able to develop an understanding for what matters to students and parents. I am visible at school events and have been receptive to feedback and concerns. I will represent parents’ feedback through my work in the Board.

Elmer Rorstad
Name: Elmer Rorstad
Age: 60
Why are you running for a seat on the SD 19 Board of Trustees?
Do you have any special insight or qualifications that voters should be aware of?
Are there any issues you think are of particular interest to students and their parents?
How can electing YOU to the SD 19 Board of Trustees affect the quality of education offered in our community?
I feel that my participation on the Board of Trustees will help to maintain and enhance the current high standards of education being delivered to students in Revelstoke. My twenty years of teaching experience at Revelstoke Secondary School should assist the Board in making informative decisions. On a personal level, being the proud parent of a two year old has created the desire to see him receive the best education possible. If elected, I will familiarize myself with all aspects of the educational system in Revelstoke and endeavour to make intelligent decisions benefitting the students of Revelstoke.
During my 32 years as a resident of Revelstoke, I have volunteered my time as a coach of high school teams and as a member of various community groups. In addition to being a past-director of the Chamber of Commerce, I have also been the past-president of the Snowmobile Revelstoke Society. My experience in working with decision making bodies will be a positive addition to the Board of Trustees. I am a good listener open to suggestions and will base my decisions on what I feel is the best solution
As an ex-teacher and presently the owner of Free Spirit Sports, I have had a great deal of contact with Revelstoke students. In talking with them, I have become aware of a real desire by a number of students to work and live in Revelstoke after obtaining their post-secondary education. Unfortunately the reality is a lack of employment within their expertise. My hope is that my son will further his education at a post-secondary institution of his choice and having completed his requirements be able to return to Revelstoke and obtain meaningful employment. I feel we need to prepare for the future by preparing a needs assessment of what employment opportunities will become available in Revelstoke in ten to twenty years. Those students who want to work and raise families in Revelstoke can then make informative decisions on career paths that will result in successfully obtaining employment once they obtain their training/education. This is just one of many ideas that I wish to bring to the table for discussion.

Jewelles Smith
Name: Jewelles Smith
Age: 40
Why are you running for a seat on the SD 19 Board of Trustees?
As a parent of two children in the school district, both with learning difficulties, I am very interested in ensuring that our school district meets the needs of children with special needs in the classroom. I also believe that parent participation on boards is essential to having our needs heard. The board has done a great job in the past, but I believe it is important to bring in new faces and new ideas. The best way to meet the needs of all participants in our school district (students, teachers, support staff, administration, and parents) is to be actively involved, and as an engaged parent and active parent, I believe the best place for me to continue to ensure that we have an outstanding education system for our children is at the board level.
Do you have any special insight or qualifications that voters should be aware of?
As a candidate for School Trustee in Revelstoke, I bring many years experience as a parent advocate. I am passionate about recognizing and addressing the challenges our children, parents, and teachers face in ensuring children with special needs become successful members of our society. I am also aware of the ongoing contract bargaining, and bring experience from representing my union (TSSU) at Simon Fraser University during their bargaining process. I was the graduate student representative for my department during the hiring process of new faculty.
I was actively involved on many levels while attending Simon Fraser University and continued on several of these boards well past my graduation in 2007. Some of the boards and committees I worked on were:
- NEADS (National Educational Association for Disabled Students) Board 2006-2010
- ATBC (Assistive Technology British Columbia) Advisory Committee
- CCD (Council of Canadians with Disabilities) Board
- PEADC (Provincial Equipment and Assistive Devices Committee
- TSSU (Teaching Support Staff Union) Executive Board (in this capacity I was on various committees including the bargaining committee)
- Human Rights Policy Board, SFU
- Senate Appeals Board, SFU
- Childcare Society, Executive member, SFU
- Students United for Disability Support, SFU
Are there any issues you think are of particular interest to students and their parents?
I bring many years of advocating for children and youth with special needs. I intend to bring all my resources in this area to ensure that children with learning difficulties, disabilities and special needs are not forgotten in the bargaining process. I also know that parents are concerned about the current bargaining between the teachers and the province. I have spoke with several community members about the new theatre and what access the community will have to it. As an artist and advocate for the arts, I hope to keep an open dialogue on this discussion. As always, issues of bullying can weigh on children and their parents. I believe that a strong stance against bullying and early intervention is essential to protect our youth.
How can electing YOU to the SD 19 Board of Trustees affect the quality of education offered in our community?
I bring many years of working in the education system at Simon Fraser University. I also have worked tirelessly for access to education and inclusion for students with disabilities. I have more than nine years experience working on boards and committees at local, provincial and national levels. I will bring all this experience with me, including practical experience on working for consensus, negotiating, communication with affected community members, contract bargaining, advocating, the ability to thoroughly research a topic and present meaningful solutions, and strong experience in using social media to reach out to community members and have dialogue within this forum. I have a Master of Arts degree from Simon Fraser University and while attending school. I worked four years for the education department at Simon Fraser University. I am a parent of two boys in grades 7 and 9. I have worked at a teaching assistant and been at the bargaining table for my union at SFU. I have strong communication skills and encourage open dialogue and communication as I feel this is the best way to find balance in meeting the needs of all members of the school board and community.

Mauro Morrone
Name: Mauro Franco Morrone
Age: 40
Why are you running for a seat on the SD 19 Board of Trustees?
I am running again to continue the pledge and oath I made to all the students, staff, and community 6 years ago when first elected to the board; to represent the community and advocate for public education. My passion and commitment has grown and intensified over this period. I continue to support policies that create the best learning and working environments we can have for our district. I mirror the district’s vision of creating an education system in Revelstoke that enables all learners to achieve academic success to their potential, obtain personal fulfillment, and demonstrate social responsibility. There are many difficult decisions that trustees have to make. There are many factors that affect/influence our decision-making, including, but not limited to, fiscal responsibilities/restraints, labour relations, government mandates, parental/community issues etc. Respecting these challenges, I still pledge to be accountable to the community with every decision I make. I believe every decision I make will better prepare our children to be the future leaders of tomorrow.
Do you have any special insight or qualifications that voters should be aware of?
I believe I share the same vision and value system of our community as a whole. I was born and raised in Revelstoke and completed K-12 in this community. Many years ago, I also worked within this school district as a youth-care worker within the school setting. I worked firsthand with students, teachers, support staff, and parents with the shared goal of working together to achieve success. This was the first pivotal moment that “planted the seed” for me to run for candidacy.
Embracing education is a family affair in my household. My wife is a Board Member on the Revelstoke Childcare Society and also volunteers extensively in the classroom. I have three children in school (including pre-school and elementary, not to mention participating in many of the early learning and literacy initiatives with our community partners); the second pivotal moment that “brought the seed to fruition” for me to run for re-election. Like all parents, we want the best for our children in all aspects of life. Education shouldn’t be an exception.
In my professional career, I work for Canadian Pacific Railway as their Employee and Family Assistance Program Coordinator. This role as a helping professional in assisting others to achieve their goals, enhance health and wellness, and promote safety is often carried over to my role as a trustee, representing the children and staff in the school district.
I have a strong work ethic, and am very committed. I am honest with a strong personal and professional code of ethics. I sit on many sub-committees on the board and am familiar with a wide spectrum of issues affecting the school district.
Are there any issues you think are of particular interest to students and their parents?
I believe all students and parents share the same ultimate expectation. They want a school system that is welcoming, inclusive, safe and nurturing. I believe students want a school where they feel safe, where they are respected, where they can learn, express thoughts and feelings without judgment, have fun, make friends, feel accepted, and be challenged. I believe they want an education that will prepare them for future endeavors and also make them socially responsible adults. I believe parents also want a school that is all-encompassing, where they can participate and contribute to their children’s learning and development.
I believe our school district excels as a provincial leader in this. We are participants in the Human Early Learning Project (H.E.L.P) and the Early Development Instrument (E.D.I.) that describe the children in our district among the very least vulnerable in the province. Our children feel safe in school, and all our schools embrace their student codes of conduct every day. We have a very successful early identification and intervention strategy, and the graduation rate for all students (including aboriginal students) is well above the provincial average.
I believe that students and parents also want their schools to be part of the greater community, more than just “traditional” learning hubs in their respective neighbourhoods. As a result of this, our two newest schools have been approved as Neighbourhood Learning Centres. These facilities will include places where people of all ages can access education, community services, recreation and culture year round. They are places that promote the well-being of children, families and the entire community.
How can electing YOU to the SD 19 Board of Trustees affect the quality of education offered in our community?
When we take on the role of school trustee, we know that the work is not about us. It’s about paving the road for our future generations. To do this, I believe the community has to elect an individual who shares and embraces the values and vision of the school district and community as a whole. The individual has to be accessible and accountable to the community, and a team player with clear boundaries. With the benefit of history on my side, I believe I have a positive and proven track record on this regard. If re-elected I will continue in my advocacy and leadership role. I am confident that I will continue to have a positive influence on the quality of education in Revelstoke. I will never lose sight of the primary goal of quality education, for all learners.

Annie Wilson
Name: Annie Wilson
Age: 57
I think that electing any one particular person should have an impact on improving of the quality of education offered in Revelstoke. They need to bring with them a willingness to work hard and become informed about all of the important issues affecting the quality of programming we can provide with the resources allocated to us. I believe that the Board of Education functions best with a spirit of collaboration; ongoing collaboration with the District staff, collaboration with community stakeholders involved in literacy and education and collaboration with the students and parents of our community.
I feel that having served one term as Trustee on the Board of Education of School District #19, I have completed the sometimes steep learning curve to become informed about the issues affecting the delivery of the best quality of education we can provide to our students, given our resources. One of my capacities as Trustee was to serve as the Chairperson of the Finance and Facilities Committee. I have invested extra time working closely with Secretary-Treasurer Ross to understand all of the important funding formulas and resource allocations that affect the delivery of programming and supports to our students. Recently, the Minister of Education, the Honourable George Abbott agreed to receive input on funding formulas to the Technical Review Committee, from school districts across the Province. The B.C. School Trustees Association was successful in lobbying the Minister and our local Board of Education, with the good work of our District staff, submitted a written document outlining the funding formulas we would like to see changed for our School District. One example of this is the Level 2 Grant funding allocation for students identified as moderate to profound intellectual disability, or chronic health impairment, visual impairment, deaf or hard of hearing or Autism Spectrum Disorder. The allocation per FTE is not adequate to fund the required staffing of basic Education Assistant support. Another example is the Transportation Supplement. This supplement provides funding to districts to assist with regular and contract transportation services. The grant amount has not been increased for many years. The increased costs in fuel, bus maintenance/repair and insurance have not been recognized. In order to deliver the very best quality of education to all of our students we need the resources to fully support the programming and Educational Assistant time needed in our district. If elected, I will continue to participate fully on the Finance and Facilities Committee to provide a voice to encourage the Ministry of Education to review the current funding formulas.
I am running again for the position of Trustee on the Board of Education to continue to bring voice to support our current early partnerships with key stakeholders in the community. Another committee that I have served on this term is the Revelstoke Literacy Action Committee. This work is of great importance to the children of our community and the collaboration that has occurred in the past amongst early learning partners, for example, has had a direct impact on the quality of education that we deliver in School District #19. School District #19 has, according to the latest Early Development Instrument (EDI) indicators describes Revelstoke children among the very least vulnerable in the Province. The Dogwood completion rate in 2010 was 98%, the highest in the Province. Significant consultation was undertaken to develop our first Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement, which was signed on March 26th, 2010. With a new vision School District #19 has been steadily improving the quality of education for our students over the past 10 years. Through the leadership of the District staff and Board of Education our students have achieved some of the highest results in the Province. But the real heroes of this story are the teachers of School District #19, both past and present. They have taken the vision of a better education for our children and carried it to their classrooms through literally thousands of teaching moments each school year.
There are indeed, many successes we can celebrate as a community, two brand new LEED Gold Standard schools that will be a legacy to our children for decades to come. Our students have reached many high standards of achievement. We were awarded some of the first Neighbourhood of Learning Projects in the Province. The new elementary school will be home to the first Early Learning Hub in the Province that will bring together all of our early learning programming and service providers in the community who work with our children from birth to Grade 7. We have much to be proud of in the School District but much more work is required to maintain and improve what programming we have the resources to provide.
For those who may not know me a bit about my community involvement. I am the single parent of two young women, who have both graduated from Revelstoke Secondary. I have worked in publically funded employment programming in Revelstoke for the past 15 years, the past six years working for Okanagan College at the Revelstoke Employment Services Centre. I have served on the Revelstoke Child Care Society Board and have been involved in the Revelstoke Genealogy Society. I have served four years as Director on the Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce and I am currently serving my first, three year term as Trustee on the Board of Education.
I am committed to public education and to providing the best programming and supports to the students of School District #19. I want all of the students in our school district to receive the highest quality of education we can provide. I am asking for your vote on November 19, a vote for me is a vote to support the best use of resources to provide the highest quality of education we can provide for all of our children. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Bryan Dubasov
Age: retired
Why are you running for a seat on the SD 19 Board of Trustees?
There are numerous reasons for my wanting to be a Trustee, the main one being, I have three grandsons just starting out in the system, and two grand-daughters beginning in a few years. I want to make absolutely SURE that they will continue to receive the best education that is possible and I know, with my experience and understanding, that I will enable them to do just that!
Do you have any special insight or qualifications that voters should be aware of?
I have been involved in education for over 40 years. I have a Master’s Degree in Education. I began my full-time teaching career in New Zealand (one year), Australia (one year), nine years as a Teacher, Vice-Principal, Principal, in the Terrace School District, and 20 years as Principal in Revelstoke (Farwell, Mt. Begbie, Mountain View, and Columbia Park). After retiring in 2003 I continued to be a substitute Teacher/Principal until this past June.
I have also served on the Board of the Revelstoke Credit Union for 6 years. During that time I learned how to operate more efficiently as a Board member and learned more about the budget process.
Are there any issues you think are of particular interest to students and their parents?
French has been an issue in our District for numerous years. Learning more than one language has always been an extremely valuable objective. However, we must temper what we want with the realities of our system. Because our district is so small, we need to have enough parents/students committed to having their education in French for the long term.
By being a parent, a foster parent, and by observation I can tell you that not all students will want or are able to go on to university. All students are capable of achieving a higher education and I would strive to make it “easier” to be able to enter into apprenticeship type programs.
How can electing YOU to the SD 19 Board of Trustees affect the quality of education offered in our community?
Although all SD 19 employees are important, the position of Superintendent is THE most important. The philosophy of our Leader is the direction our District will be taking in the future. Our incumbent, Mrs. Cooper, has placed Revelstoke on the educational map in British Columbia, and has led this District, without a doubt, to a level of educational excellence. When she was hired I was part of a team that made recommendations to the Board at that time. However, the day is coming when she will retire. I believe that my experience will enable this District to hire someone with her level of excellence in management and people skills. I would like to be a part of this process.